27-30 August 2012, Davos, Switzerland
IRGC organised a session on ‘Mobilising the creation of a risk governance culture’ at the International Disaster and Risk Conference IDRC Davos on 27-30 August 2012.
In 2013, IRGC considers to do work, in cooperation with its regional network partners, to better understand and develop appropriate cultures for risk governance, relying on substantive and empirical regional analysis of the concept and notion of risk.
Invited speakers developed various aspects of how to build appropriate risk governance cultures and included:
- Ortwin Renn, Professor of Environmental Sociology and Director of the Interdisciplinary Research Unit on Risk, Sustainable Technology Development and Governance, University of Stuttgart
- Helena Molin-Valdes, Acting Director of UNISDR and coordinator of the global Making Cities Resilient campaing, Switzerland
- Stephan Schreckenberg, Director Head Risk Research Relations, Swiss Re Centrer for Global Dialogue
- Tim Prior, Senior Researcher, Risk & Resilience Research Group, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich