Ortwin Renn

Ortwin Renn
Scientific Director



Ortwin Renn is Scientific Director at the International Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) in Potsdam (Germany). He also serves as Scientific Director of the non-profit company DIALOGIK, a research institute for the investigation of communication and participation processes. Renn is Adjunct Professor for Integrated Risk Analysis at Stavanger University (Norway) and Affiliate Professor for Risk Governance at Beijing Normal University. Ortwin Renn has a doctoral degree in social psychology from the University of Cologne.

His career includes teaching and research positions at Clark University (Worcester, USA), the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich and the Center of Technology Assessment (Stuttgart). His honours include the National Cross of Merit Order, an honorary doctorate from the ETH Zurich, an honorary professorship at the Technical University Munich and the Distinguished Achievement Award of the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA).

Ortwin Renn has published more than 30 monographs and over 150 peer-reviewed articles. His most prominent publication is the book Risk Governance. Coping with Uncertainty in a Complex World (London: Earthscan 2008).

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