
United Nations: ECOSOC

ecosoc_logoIn July 2012, IRGC was granted special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). This enabled IRGC to actively engage with ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies, as well as with the United Nations Secretariat, programmes, funds and agencies, including opportunities to consult with Member States and the UN system at large. Consultative status also enabled ECOSOC bodies to seek expert information or advice from IRGC on a subject matter relevant to IRGC’s work.

United Nations: UNEP

IRGC was accredited to UNEP.

United Nations: SDSN

SDSN_logo_finIn July 2014, IRGC became a member of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), a global initiative of the United Nations open to universities, research institutions, foundations, civil society, and other organizations with deep expertise in one or more areas related to sustainable development. Membership allowed IRGC to gain visibility through broader stakeholder outreach as well as access to project collaboration opportunities and to advance an agenda focusing on governance deficits and risks that are often ignored or neglected in the transition towards sustainability.

European Parliament and Commission: Transparency Register

IRGC was registered to the Transparency Register of the European Parliament and European Commission.


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