Among the many possible approaches to managing risks, regulation is one of the most frequently used. Regulation comes in many forms, hard and soft: legislation, public or private regulation, certification and standards, etc.
Regulatory performance, efficacy or cost-effectiveness is often a challenge. IRGC is particularly interested in how planned adaptive governance or regulation can improve overall performance and acceptability in fields marked by fast technological change and uncertainty.
- What do we mean by ‘Planned Adaptive Regulation’? See a summary presentation (2018).
- In 2017, IRGC produced for the European Parliament a transatlantic comparison of regulatory standards in four key sectors: food, automobiles, chemicals, pharmaceuticals. The analysis shows that EU risk regulation is not always or generally more stringent than US regulation. The reality is a complex mix of parity and particularity between EU and US risk regulation. See: Transatlantic Patterns of Risk Regulation
- In January 2016, IRGC co-organised with the Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP) at University College London (UCL) a conference on Planning Adaptive Risk Regulation
- In October 2014, IRGC co-organised with the OECD Regulatory Policy Division and the Rethinking Regulation Program at Duke University a conference on the topic of innovative approaches to how governments and the private sector collaborate to improving the overall performance and efficiency of regulatory frameworks (‘from crisis response to learning and innovation’). See: Improving Risk Regulation
- What do we mean by ‘Planned Adaptive Regulation’
- Transatlantic patterns of risk regulation, (Report, 2017) (pdf)
- Planning adaptive risk regulation, (Conference report, 2016) (pdf)
- Improving risk regulation, (Report, 2015) (pdf)