Stimulated by an international conference on Improving Risk Regulation: From Crisis Response to Learning and Innovation, organised by IRGC, the OECD Regulatory Policy Division and the Rethinking Regulation Program at Duke University in Paris in October 2014, this publication explores new insights for addressing contemporary risks.
This publication highlights some innovative approaches as to how governments and the private sector collaborate to improving the overall performance and efficiency of regulatory frameworks. It seeks to stimulate reflection among (public and private) regulators, as well as those who are regulated, on how to best design and implement risk regulation so as to enhance its impact and efficiency. In addition, the publication identifies innovative approaches that governments and the private sector may follow to exploit synergies and collaborate to improve public risk management.
Improving Risk Regulation includes papers from several international experts with diverse backgrounds. Each of them introduces relevant issues and perspectives for modern public risk management. Taken together, the distinct dimensions and approaches presented in the chapters provide insights into how to possibly enhance the effectiveness and legitimacy (credibility) of risk regulation in the 21st century.
The chapters are available for download separately by clicking on the respective title or compiled as an edited volume (see below):
- Introduction and Concluding remarks: from risk regulation to an innovative risk governance
Dr Lorenzo Allio, European Risk Forum and allio|rodrigoconsulting - Contribution of transnational private regulation to revisiting risk regulation
Prof. Colin Scott, University College Dublin - Emerging strategies to manage system-level risks: an examination of private sector, government and non-governmental organization initiatives
Terry F. Yosie, World Environment Center - Potential scope and challenges of behaviourally informed regulation: implications for modern regulatory risk management
Prof. Ortwin Renn, University of Stuttgart; Marie-Valentine Florin, International Risk Governance Council - Managing uncertainty in drug development and use: enhancing adaptability and flexibility in pharmaceuticals regulation
Prof. Kenneth A. Oye, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); Mark Pearson, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD); Dr Hans-Georg Eichler, European Medicines Agency (EMA); Dr Theresa Mullin, US Food and Drug Administration (FDA); Dr Anton Hoos, Amgen
Improving Risk Regulation, 2015, Edited volume