IRGC receives regular invitations to give presentations or organise sessions at large conferences and other events. Such contributions constitute an occasion for IRGC to network, present its work and share and promote knowledge on specific risk issues and risk approaches.
List of conferences and events with IRGC contributions:
IRGC Symposium at SRA Europe 2014
On 16 June 2014, IRGC organised a symposium on the “Governance of Emerging and Slow-Developing Catastrophic Risks.” Presentations by IRGC Visiting Risk Fellows were followed by a panel discussion, moderated by Ortwin Renn, President of SRA International. On the governance of slow-developing catastrophic risks (SDCRs), Anjali Nursimulu discussed the challenges of identifying and taking timely actions on the basis of […]
IRGC Session on Evidence-based Policies at ESOF 2014
On 24 June 2014, IRGC and EuroScience jointly organised a session at the 2014 EuroScience Science Forum (ESOF 2014). The session reviewed how evidence-based policy making and risk governance are tackled and implemented in various parts of the globe with a specific focus on the interplay between scientists, policy makers, stakeholders and the society at large, as well as government communication […]
IRGC Risk Governance Research Workshop at TMP
The IRGC Secretariat and IRGC Portugal jointly organised a workshop at the TMP 2014 meeting, held on 23 – 25 June 2014 in Lisbon, on the risk governance of different economic transformations, with presentations from industry, academics and IRGC. The final programme is available here. About TMP The Technology, Management and Policy Graduate Consortium (TMP) brings together graduate students […]
IRGC Session on Essential Technology Deployment at 2014 Tech4Dev
The UNESCO Chair in Technologies for Development hosted by the Cooperation and Development Center (CODEV) hosted the third International Conference on Technologies for Development: What is Essential? at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland on 4-6 June 2014. More information about the conference. In the context of this conference, IRGC hosted a session entitled “Developing Appropriate Contexts for Successful Deployment of Essential […]
Panel on Developing Unconventional Gas: Opportunities, Challenges, Risks
On 8 April 2014, IRGC and the King’s College Centre for Risk Management jointly organised a panel discussion on the opportunities, challenges and risks of unconventional gas development. The session was hosted and chaired by Prof. Ragnar Löfstedt, Director of the King’s Centre for Risk Management. The event discussed the main recommendations from : IRGC: Risk governance guidelines for unconventional gas development (policy brief) […]
IRGC Presentation on Resilience Building as a Risk Governance Option at STEPI
In December 2013 the Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI), based in Seoul, South Korea, hosted the 2013 STEPI International Foresight Symposium on the topic of “Future Risk and Social Resilience”, at which IRGC’s Managing Director Marie-Valentine Florin gave a well-received presentation on “Resilience Building as a Risk Governance Option”.
IRGC at the Global Risk Forum 2013
The Global Risk Network and the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Councils organized a Global Risk Forum in Berlin, 25 – 26 September 2013, “to examine corporate / market disruptors and strategic, fiduciary and regulatory imperatives to address them”. IRGC’s Managing Director Marie-Valentine Florin presented how the IRGC Contributing Factors to Risk Emergence can shape the context in which risks […]
IRGC at the iNTeg-Risk Annual Conference
IRGC participated in the 2013 annual conference of the iNTeg-Risk programme and presented IRGC draft risk governance guidelines for unconventional gas development as well as elements for an iNTeg-Risk white paper on Integrated Emerging Risk Management.
IRGC Session at International Disaster and Risk Conference Davos 2012
27-30 August 2012, Davos, Switzerland IRGC organised a session on ‘Mobilising the creation of a risk governance culture’ at the International Disaster and Risk Conference IDRC Davos on 27-30 August 2012. In 2013, IRGC considers to do work, in cooperation with its regional network partners, to better understand and develop appropriate cultures for risk governance, relying on substantive and empirical regional analysis of the […]
IRGC Symposium Session at the SRA World Congress 2012
18-20 July 2012, Sydney, Australia — IRGC organised a symposium session on “Risk emergence and emerging risks” at the SRA World Congress on 18-20 July 2012 in Syney, Australia. Along with its network partners, it presented both an overview of and some insight on the issues related to emerging risk management and on contributing factors to risk emergence Symposium speakers […]
IRGC Presentation at the SRA Europe 21st Annual Conference
Date: 18-20 June 2012, Zürich, Switzerland — IRGC, represented by Dr Len Fisher, University of Bristol, presented on ‘The Governance of Slow-Developing Catastrophic Risks’ at the SRA-Europe 21st Annual Conference, held in Zurich on 18-20 June 2012. Len Fisher is the main author of the forthcoming IRGC concept note on Slow-Developing Catastrophic Risks. Download the event brochure
IRGC Presentation at the 4th INTeg-Risk Conference
Date: 6-8 May 2012, Stuttgart, Germany — IRGC presented at the 4th iNTeg-Risk Conference “Managing Early Warnings – what and how to look for?”, about “Elements for an iNTeg-Risk White Paper on Integrated Management of Emerging Risks”
IRGC Presentation at Planet Under Pressure
Date: 29 March 2012, London, UK — As part of Planet Under Pressure, IRGC presented “Risk governance of slow-developing, catastrophic risks”, exploring the obstacles to effective management of slow-developing risks and suggesting what can be done to overcome these challenges.