IRGC International Conference 2013: From Crisis Management to Risk Governance

IRGC International Conference 2013: From Crisis Management to Risk Governance

Download the conference brochure here

On the occasion of the launch of IRGC in China, as the new Center on Risk Governance hosted at Tsinghua University, School of Public Policy and Management , IRGC organised jointly with Tsinghua University an international conference and experts workshops on the theme of ‘From Crisis Management to Risk Governance’. The conference was sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Counsellors’ Office of the State Council, P. R. China.

The main objective was to promote risk management and risk governance in a broad context, in particular among key Chinese thought leaders and institutions.

The events reached a large audience, with more than 200 participants from 15 countries, representative of governments, public sector agencies, academia, business and civil society. It provided an excellent opportunity for participants to meet, discuss on issues of common interest, and engage in further collaborative activities. IRGC’s role as a convening place and a platform for neutral and independant dialogue was emphasised on many occasions. The respective roles of various actors in risk governance was largely debated, and in particular the role of institutions for providing input and support to sustainable change.

Programme at a glance: 

Wednesday 9 January

  • Ceremony for the Foundation of IRGC China
  • General conference “From crisis management to risk governance” –
    Investing in the creation of appropriate risk cultures, for risk awareness, assessment, prevention and management, before crises occur – more details and presentations

See here the detailed programme for the ceremony and conference

Thursday 10 January

Parallel expert workshops :

Friday 11 January

Plenary session on ‘Common themes for risk governance’ – more details and presentations

More information can be obtained by emailing

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